Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
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1983 | Reuben R., Suguna SG. 1983 Morphological Differences between Sibling species on the taxon Anopheles subpictus Grassi in India, with notes on relationships with known forms. Mosq. Syst. 15(2):117-126. | |
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1947 | De Meillon, B. 1947 New records and species of biting insects from the Ethiopian region. II. J. ent. Soc. S. Afr. 10:110-124, illus. | |
1971 | Iversen, T. M. 1971 Culex torrentium Martini (Dipt. Culicidae) ny for Danmark, med en beskrivelse af larvebiotopen. Ent. Meddr. 39:235-239. | |
1911 | Strickland,E. H. 1911 Some new Culicidae from western Australia, South Queensland, and Tasmania. - New species found in a small collection of mosquitoes from western Australia. Entomologist 44:130-134. | |
1950 | Tsai, C. and J. C. Lien. 1950 A new species of Aedes (Finlaya) found in Taiwan. J. Med. Ass. Formosa 49:177-183, illus. |
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