Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1976 | Sirivanakarn, S. & S. Ramalingam. 1976 A New Species of Culex (Eumelanomyia) Theobald with Notes on Three other Species from Malaysia (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Vol 8(2):209-216. | |
1959 | Vargas, L. & A. Najera. 1959 Phlebotomus farilli n. sp., Ph. humboldii n. sp. y Ph. olmnecus n. sp. de Mexico (Diptera: Psychodidae). Rev. Inst. Salubr. Enfenn. Trop., Mex. 19:141-149. | |
1926 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1926 The mosquitoes of the Americas. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 387, 616 pp., 123 pls. + Errata and Addend.Wash., D. C. | |
1943 | Correa, R. R. and A. S. Ramos. 1943 Descricao de uma nova sub-especie de anofelino do sub-genero Nyssorhynchus Blanchard, 1902 (Diptera, Culicidae). Revta paul. Med. 22: 246-248. | |
1903 | Leicester, G. F. 1903 A breeding place of certain forest mopsquitoes in Malaya. J. Trop. Med. 6:291-292. | |
1957 | Hamon J 1957 Deux moustiques nouveaux de Côte-d'Ivoire : Aedes (Aedimorphus) falabreguesi sp. n., Culex (Culex) castelli sp. n. Bull. Soc.Path. Exot. 50:685-691 | |
1968 | Delfinado M D. 1968 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeat Asia. III. The genus Aedes, subgenus Neomacleaya Theobald in Southeast Asia. Contr. Amer. Entomol. Inst. 2(4):1-74. | |
1938 | Hadjinicolau, J. 1938 Observations on Anopheles marteri S.& P. (Diptera, Culicidae). Riv. Malariol. 17:44-50, illus. | |
1951 | Mattingly, P.F. 1951 Culex (Culex) torrentium Martini, a mosquito new to Great Britain. Nature, Lond. 168:172-173. | |
1904 | Lahille, F. 1904 Notes sur la classification des moustiques. Actas y trabajos del Segundo Congreso Medico Latino-Americano (Buenos Aires) 2:71-96 |
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