Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1921 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1921 Illustrations of certain mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 9:114-118, 1 pl. | |
1973 | Arnell J.H. 1973 Mosquito Studies (Diptera, Culicidae) XXXII. A revision of the genus Haemagogus. Contributions of the American entomological Institute 10(2):1-174. | |
1975 | Lien, J. C., L. Kosman, F. Partono, A. Joesoef, E. Kosin and J. H. Cross. 1975 A brief survey of mosquitoes in North Sumatra, Indonesia. J. med. Ent. 12(2):233-239. | |
1920 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1920 The species of Choeroporpa, a subgenus of Culex (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 8:54-81. | |
1942 | Floch, H. & E. Abonnenc. 1942 Phlebotomes de la Guyane Francaise. IV. Inst. Pasteur Guyane, Publ. No. 38, 15 p. | |
1951 | Galvao, A.B. 1951 Um novo carater diferencial entre A. minor e A. peryassui na fase larvaria. Revta Bras. Malariol. Doenc. Trop. 3:363-366, illus. | |
1971 | Geoffroy B 1971 Description d'un nouveau moustique de la Republique Centrafricaine: Culex (Neoculex) vattieri sp. n. Cah.ORSTOM Ent. Med. Parasitol. 3 :265-268. | |
2000 | Spungis, V. 2000 A Checklist of Latvian Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). European Mosquito Bulletin (6): 8-11. | |
1966 | Cova Garcia, P., E. Sutil Oramas,and J. A. Rausseo. 1966 Mosquitos (Culicinos) de Venezuela. I. Caracas. Pub. Min. San. Asist. Soc. I: 1-410,illus. | |
2005 | Huang YM 2005 Cornetius, a new subgenus of Aedes, and a redescription of Aedes (Cornetius) cozi Cornet (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 107:517-529. |
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