Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1955 Mattingly, P. F. and E. N. Marks. 1955 Some Australian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of the subgenera Pseudoskusea and Neoculex. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 80:163-176, illus.
1958 Breland, O.P. 1958 A report on Haemagogus mosquitoes in the United States with notes on identification (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 51: 217-221.
1931 De Meillon B 1931 A new South African anopheline. J. Med. Ass. S. Afr. 5:482-483.
1946 Barretto, M.P. 1946 Sobre a sinonimia de flebotomos Americanos (Diptera, Psychodidae). Primeira nota. Rev. Brasil. Biol. 6:527-536.
Martini, E. 1930 Culicidae. In Lindner, E., Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region. pp146-151. English Translation.
1931 Ho, C. 1931 Study of the adult culicids of Peiping. Bull. Fan Inst. Biol., Peking 2:107-175, illus.
1957 Halcrow, J.G. 1957 A new sub-species of Anopheles gambiae Giles from Mauritius. Afr. med. J. 34:133-135.
1952 Sicart M. 1952 Description et étude de Aedes pulchritarsis (Rondani, 1872) récolte en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Tunis. 5:95-101.
1967 Lewis, D.J. 1967 Phlebotomine sandflies from Cayman Brac Island (Diptera: Psychodidae). J. Nat. Hist. 2:73-83.
1994 Harbach, R. E. and R. A. Ward. 1994 Lectotype Designation for Anopheles (Cellia) rennellensis Taylor and Maffi (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 26(2):73-74.

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