Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1942 | Anduze PJ. 1942 Fauna culicidiana de Venezuela. Descripcion de dos especies nuevas (Diptera: Culicidae). Bol.ent.ven. 1(2-3) p.43-49. | |
1936 | Lane, J. 1936 Notas sobre mosquitos de Sao Paulo. Revta Mus. paul. 20:429-435. | |
1948 | Senevet, G. 1948 A propos de la nymphe d'Anopheles ininii. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 26:431-432. | |
1946 | Morishita, K. 1946 A new variety of Formosan Anopheles- Anopheles leucosphyrus var. takasagoensis var. nov. J. Formosan med. Assoc.45:21,65-70. | |
1933 | Marshall, J. F. and J. Staley. 1933 Theobaldia (Culicella) litorea (Shute) n. sp. (Diptera, Culicidae). Parasitology 25:119-126. | |
1945 | Knight, K. L. and L. Rozeboom. 1945 A new species of Culex from New Guinea (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc. 47:289-295. | |
2005 | Gordeyev M.I., M.I., A. B. Zvantsov, I.I. Goryacheva, Ye.V. Shaikevich and M.N. Yezhov. 2005 Description of the new species Anopheles artemievi sp. n. (Diptera, Culicidae). Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni (2): 4-5. | |
1968 | Sobti S.K. 1968 A new species of the Anopheles funestus complex (Diptera: Culicidae) from Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania. Bull. WHO 38:481-483. | |
1980 | Meng Qinghua and Chen Han-Bin. 1980 Arguments on the taxonomic positions of six species of Culex from China. (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 2:161-164. | |
1991 | Wilkerson, R. C. 1991 Anopheles (Anopheles) calderoni n. sp., a Malaria Vector of the Arribalzagia Series from Peru (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 23(1):25-38. |
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