Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1921 Dyar, Harrison G. 1921 The American Aedes of the punctor group (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 9:69-80, 1 pl.
1903 Theobald F.V. 1903 A monograph of the Culicidae of the World. London: Trustees of the British Museum [publ. July 25, 1903], Vol. 3, 359 pp., illus.,17 pls.
1920 Ludlow, C.S. 1920 Siberian Anopheles Psyche 27:74-78.
1941 Dampf A. 1941 Mochlostyrax (Dinoporpa) trifidus Dyar nuevo miembro de la fauna culicidologica Mexicana (Insecta, Diptera, Fam. Culicidae). An. Esc. nac. Cienc. biol., Mex. 2:251-261, illus.
1926 Edwards, F.W. 1926 Mosquito notes.- VI. Bull. Ent. Res. 17:101-131, illus.
1963 Peters W 1963 Mosquitoes of New Guinea (Diptera: Culicidae) VI. The genus Tripteroides Giles: a new species of the subgenus Polylepidomyia Theobald, notes on the taxonomy and distribution and a revised key to described pupae. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B)32: 89-100.
1932 Martini E. 1932 Chagasia fajardoi Lutz var. stigmopteryx, nov- var- (Dipt. Culicidae). Revista Entomologia, Sao Paulo (Brasil) 2(3):276-277.
2003 Samanidou Anna, Harbach R. E. 2003 Culex (Culex) tritaeniorhynchus Giles, a newly discovered potential vector of arboviruses in Greece. European Mosq. Bul. 16:15-17
1969 Stone A., Barreto P. 1969 A new genus and species of mosquito from Colombia, Galindomyia leei (Diptera, Culicidae, Culicini). J. med. Ent. 6(2):143-146.
1969 Knight KL 1969 A new species of Aedes, subgenus Finlaya Theobald, from India (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash.42(4):382-386.

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