Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1903 Theobald FV 1903 Description of a new North American Culex. The Canadian Entomologist, 35:211-213.
1903 Theobald, F. V. 1903 A new culicid from Senegal and notes on the species of mosquitoes, etc. Mem. Lpool Sch. Trop. Med. 11, Part 2, (App.):i-iii, pl. 5.
1903 Roque, A. B. 1903 Contribuicao para o estudio da malaria e dos mosquitos de Angola. Med. Contemp. 6:110-114, illus.
1903 Favre, V.V. 1903 An attempt in the study of malaria in Russia. 344 pp. Kharkov, Russia.
1903 Coquillett, D. W. 1903 Notes on Culex Kelloggii, Theobald. Canad. Entom. 35:261.
1903 Coquillett, D. W. 1903 A new Anopheles with unspotted wings. Can. Ent. 35:310.
1903 Sergent, Edmund and Etienne Sergent. 1903 Observations sur les moustiques des environs d'Alger. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 17:60-67.
1903 Doenitz, W. 1903 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anopheles. II. Mittheilung. Z. hyg. Infektkr. 43:215-238, illus.
1903 Theobald F.V. 1903 A monograph of the Culicidae of the World. London: Trustees of the British Museum [publ. July 25, 1903], Vol. 3, 359 pp., illus.,17 pls.
1903 Theobald FV, 1903 Two new Jamaican Culicidae. Entomologist 36:281-283.

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