Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1905 Ludlow, C.S. 1905 A new North American Taeniorhynchus. Can. Ent. 37:231-232.
1905 Coquillett D.W. 1905 New Culicidae from the West Indies and Central America. (1906).Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 7:182-186.
1905 Theobald, F. V. 1905 The mosquitoes or Culicidae of Jamaica. Institute of Jamaica.40 pp., 9 pls.
1905 Lutz, A. 1905 Novas especies de mosquitos do Brasil. Impr. med., S. Paulo 3:26_29, 65-69, 81-83, 101-104, 125-128, 169-172, 202-203, 269-271, 287 290, 311-314, 347-350.
1905 Theobald, F. V. 1905 Some new mosquitoes from Ceylon. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 16:237-250, 2 pls.
1905 Patton, W. S. 1905 The culicid fauna of the Aden Hinterland, their haunts and habits. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 16:623-637, 3 pls.
1905 Ludlow CS 1905 Mosquito notes.- No. 3. Can. Ent. 37:94-102, 129-135.
1905 Grabham M 1905 Notes on some Jamaican Culicidae. Can. Ent. 37:401-411, 7 figs.
1905 Grunberg, K. 1905 Zur kenntnis der Culicidenfauna von Kamerun und Togo. Zool. Anz. 29:377-390, illus.
1905 Pressat, A. 1905 Le paludisme et les moustiques (prophylaxie). Lib. de l'Acad. Med. 180 pp., illus., 11 pls.Paris.

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