Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1901 | Liston, W. G. 1901 A year's experience of the habits ofAnopheles in Ellichpur. The description of the species of Anopheles found in Ellich pur during the year. Indian med. Gaz. 36:361-366, 441-443. | |
1901 | Laveran, A. 1901 Sur des culicides provenant du Haut-Tonkin. C. R. Soc. Biol, Paris 53:993-994. | |
1901 | Giles, G.M. 1901 A plea for the collective investigation of Indian Culicidae with suggestions as to moot points for enquiry, and a prodromus of species known to the author. J. Bombay Soc. 13:592-610, pls. A & B. | |
1901 | Coquillett, D. W. 1901 Three new species of Culicidae. Can. Ent. 33:258-260. | |
1901 | Theobald F.V. 1901 The classification of Mosquitoes. The journal of tropical Medecine, july 15 th, 1901: 229-235. | |
1900 | Agramonte A. 1900 Los mosquitos malaricos. El progreso medico. 10(12) p.455-465 | |
1900 | Laveran A 1900 Sur un Anopheles provenant de Madagascar. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris 52:109-110. | |
1900 | Chalmers AJ 1900 Uncomplicated aestivo-autumnal fever in Europeans in the Gold Coast Colony, West Africa. Lancet 2:1262-1264. | |
1900 | Giles, G.M. 1900 Description of two species of Anopheles from West Africa. Mem. Liverpool Sch. Trop. Med. II (Add. I), pp. 49-51. | |
1900 | Theobald FV 1900 Report on the collections of mosquitoes (Culicidae) received at the British Museum (Natural History) from various parts of the world in connection with the investigations into the causes of malaria, conducted by the Colonial Office and the Royal Society. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London.12 pp. |
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