Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1975 Reid, J.A. 1975 Pupal differences between species A and B of the Anopheles gambiae group from Kisumu, East Africa. Mosq. Syst. 7(1):1-7, illus.
1976 Reid JA 1976 A lectotype for Anopheles (Cellia) pampanai Buettiker and Beales, 1959. Mosquito Systematics, 8(1):111-113.
1969 Reinert JF 1969 A ventromedian cervical sclerite of mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 8(2) : 205-208.
1970 Reinert, J.F. 1970 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia. V. Genus Aedes, subgenus Diceromyia Theobald in Southeast Asia. Contr. Am. Entomol. Inst. 5(4):1-43.
1970 Reinert J. F. 1970 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia. V. Genus Aedes, Subgenus Diceromyia Theoblad in Southeast Asia. Contrib. Amer. Ent. Inst. vol. 5, no. 4, 1970
1970 Reinert, J.F. 1970 Description of the pupae of Wyeomyia (Wyeomyia) vanduzeei and W (W. ) mitchellii (Diptera, Culicidae). Fla. Ent. 53:163-169, illus.
1970 Reinert JF 1970 Description of the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) fulvus pallens (Diptera: Culicidae). The Florida Entomologist, 53:47-50.
1970 Reinert JF 1970 Description of the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) infirmatus (Diptera: Culicidae). The Florida Entomologist, 53:147-151.
1970 Reinert, J.F. 1970 Description of the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) mitchellae (Diptera: Culicidae). Fla. Ent. 53:73-77, illus.
1970 Reinert, J.F. 1970 Description of the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotetus) dupreei (Diptera: Culicidae). Fla. Ent. 53:243-247, illus.

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