Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1966 Delfinado, M. D. 1966 The culicine mosquitoes of the Philippines, tribe Culicini (Diptera, Culicidae). Mem. Am. ent. Inst. 7:1-252, illus.
1979 Cova Garcia, P., J. Pulido F. and C. E. De Ugueto. 1979 Culex (Neoculex) johni (Diptera, Culicidae) nueva especie de Venezuela. Bol. Direcc. Malariol. Saneam. Ambient. 19:21-28.
2003 Toma, T. and M. Mogi. 2003 Topomyia (Suaymyia) miyagii (Dipter: Culicidae): A New Species from Flores Is., Indonesia. Med. Entomol. Zool. 54(1): 25-30.
2005 Gornostaeva R 2005 Revision of the mosquitoes of the subgenus Aedes (Diptera, Culicidae) from Palearctics. Parazitologia 39(6): 457-507 (In Russian)
1929 Edwards, F.W. 1929 Mosquitoes from the Solomon Islands. 3. Descriptive notes on the material. Bull. Ent. Res. 20:308-320, illus.
1907 Dyar, H.G. 1907 Report on the mosquitoes of the coast region of California, with descriptions of new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 32(1516):121-129.
1974 Hervé JP, Geoffroy B 1974 Description d'un nouveau moustique de République Centrafricaine Culex (Neoculex) subsalisburiensis n. sp. Cah. ORSTOM Ent. Med. Parasitol. 12(3):191-193.
1942 Vargas L. 1942 Las hembras americanas del subgenero Anopheles (Dit, Culicidae, Anopheles). Revista del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales (Mexico) 3(1):67-74.
1945 Floch, H. & E. Abonnenc. 1945 Phlebotomes de Guyane Francaise. (XV). P. elongalus, P. sylvicolur, P. trichopygur n. sp., P. brasiliensi.f, P. barrettoi et P. sp. de Crique Anguille. Inst. Pasteur Guyane, Publ. No. 106, 16 p.
1949 Vargas L. 1949 Caracteres morfologicos diferenciales de algunas pupas de anofelinos neotropicales (Diptera: Culicidae). Rivista di Parassitologia 10(4):231-235.

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