Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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Année Référence Bibliographique Actions
1967 Klein JM 1967 Note sur les puces de Madagascar. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 72 : 127-131.
1967 Abonnenc E 1967 Les phlébotomes de l'Angola (Diptera, Psychodidae). Museu do Dundo, Lisboa
1967 Pajot FX 1967 Anoploures de rongeurs et d'insectivores de la République Centrafricaine. Cahiers ORSTOM. S?rie Entomologie M?dicale et Parasitologie, 5(2) : 107-114
1967 Galindo P., Trapido H. 1967 Description of Haemagogus aeritinctus, a new species from British Honduras, with note on the validity of Haemagogus lucifer (H. D. and K.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 69(2):103-111.
1967 Srihongse S., Scherer W.F., Galindo P. 1967 Detection of arboviruses by sentinel hamsters during the low period of transmission. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 16(4):519-524.
1968 Casal, O. H. and M. Garcia. 1968 Culex (Culex) eduardoi, una nueva especie de la Republica Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). Revta Soc. ent. argent. 30:105-111, illus.
1968 Marks, E.N. 1968 Northern records of the genus Culiseta Felt in Australia with the description of a new species (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Aust. ent. Soc. 7:43-56.
1968 Belkin J.N., Schick R.X., Heinemann S.J. 1968 Mosquito studies (Diptera Culicidae). XI Mosquitoes originaly described from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. Contributions of the American entomological Institute 4(1):9-29.
1968 Dubitzky, A. M. 1968 A new species Aedes montchadskyi sp. n, from the Basin of the Ili River. Parazitologiya 2:218-224, illus.
1968 Duret, J.P. 1968 Dos especies nuevas de Culex del Brasil (Diptera, Culicidae). Physis 28:15-19, illus.

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