Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1967 Reid JA 1967 Two forms of Anopheles philippinensis in Malaya. Med. Ent. 4:175-179, illus.
1967 Van Someren ECC 1967 The female and early stages of Culex (Culex) nakuruensis Mattingly, with a description of a new subspecies of Culex (Culex) shoae Hamon & Ovazza. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 36:11-16, illus.
1967 Casal, O. H. and M. Garcia. 1967 Culex (Melaniconion) pavlovskyi, nueva especie de la Republica Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). Neotropica 13:19-20, illus.
1967 Kitzmiller, J. B., G. Frizzi, and R. H. Baker. 1967 Evolution and speciation within the maculipennis complex of the genus Anopheles. Genetics of Insect Vectors ofDisease, edited by J. W. Wright and R. Pal.
1967 Brunhes J 1967 Contribution a l'étude des Culicidés de Madagascar. Description des larves et nymphes de Culex (C.) giganteus Ventrillon et Culex (C.) argenteopunctatus. Entomologie med. Cah. ORSTOM. 5: 207-216.
1967 De Linero, M. Q. 1967 Nueva especie de Culex (Melanoconion). Revta . Biol. 27:289-291, illus.
1967 Casal OH, Garcia M 1967 Culex (Culex) hepperi, nueva especie del delta Bonaerense del Rio Parana (Diptera, Culicidae). Physis 27, 74:87-94.
1967 Bram, R. A. 1967 Lectotype assignments for several species of the genus Culex in Southeast Asia. Proc.Ent. Soc. Wash. 69(4):327-328.
1967 Bram RA. 1967 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia (Diptera Culicidae) II. The genus Culex in Thailand. Contr. Am. ent. Inst. 2(1):1-296, illus.
1967 Casal OH, 1967 Culex (Culex) ameliae, una nueva especie de la Republica Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). Neotropica 13:29-30, illus.

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