Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1977 Pletsch D.J. 1977 Mosquito investigation and control in tourist development areas of Mexico: III. Species, densities and associations of mosquitoes found in Cancun, Quintana Roo from December, 1972 through December, 1975. Mosquito News 37(2):222‒226.
1977 Darsie R.F., Merino M.E., Wilton D.P. 1977 Discovery of Anopheles crucians Subgroup on the Pacific coast of El Salvador. Mosquito News 37(4):645-646.
1977 Garcia Avila I. 1977 Fauna cubana de mosquitos y sus criaderos tipicos. Academia de Ciencias de La Habana (Cuba), 84 pp., illus. 29 fig.
1977 Steffan W.A. 1977 Source of type material of Toxorhynchites (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 9(1):58-72.
1977 Heinemann S.J., Belkin J.N. 1977 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' 9. Mexico (MEX, MF, MT, MX). Mosquito Systematics 9(4):483-534.
1976 Utrio P, 1976 Identification key to Finnish mosquito larvae (Diptera, Culicidae). Ann. Agr. Fenniae 15:128-136.
1976 Garcia Avila I. 1976 Insectos hematofagos de Cuba. Poeyana 154:1-15.
1976 Stegniy, V. N. and V. M. Kabanova. 1976 Cytological study of the natural populations in the territory of the USSR. Report 1. Isolation of a new species of Anopheles in maculipennis complex by the cytodiagnostic method. Meditsinskaya Parazit. 45(2):192-198.
1976 Belkin, J. N. & S. J. Heinemann. 1976 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' 4. Leeward Islands: Anguilla (ANG), Antigua (ANT), Barbuda (BAB), Montserrat (MNT), Nevis (NVS), St.Kitts (KIT). Mosq. Syst. Vol 8(2):123-162.
1976 Cova Garcia P., Pulido FJ. & Escalante De Ugueto C. 1976 Anopheles (Kerteszia) hilli (Diptera, Culicidae), una nueva especie de Venezuela. Bol. Dir. Mal. y san. Amb. 16(4):344-353,.

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