Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1977 Wolff T.A., Nielsen L.T. 1977 A chaetotaxic study of snowpool Aedes larvae and pupae with an analysis of variance of the larvae of eight species. Mosquito Systematics 9(2):176-236.
1977 Brunhes J. 1977 Les moustiques de l'archipel des Comores I. - Inventaire, répartition et description de quatre espèces ou sous-espèces nouvelles. Cah. ORSTOM. Sér. Ent. méd. et Parasitol. 15(2):131-152.
1977 Huang YM, Y.-M. 1977 A new record of Aedes (Stegomyia) patriciae Mattingly (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 79(4):625
1977 Cotrim MD, Bianchi Galati EA 1977 Revicao da serie Pleuristriatus do subgenera Microculex Theobald, 1907 (Diptera, Culicidae). Revista. bras. Ent. 20(3/4):169-205.
1977 Kitzmiller, J. B. 1977 Chromosomal Differences Among Species of Anopheles Mosquitoes. Mosq. Syst. Vol9(2):112-122.
1977 Enfield, M. A. 1977 Additions and corrections to the records of Aedes mosquitoes in Alberta. Mosq. News 37(1) :82-85.
1977 Ravaonjanahary C., Brunhes J. 1977 Un nouvel Aedes du genre Skusea découvert à Madagascar: Aedes (Skusea) moucheti sp. n. cahier ORSTOM, sér. Ent. med. Parasitol. 15(3): 213-215.
1977 Belkin J.N. 1977 Aedes (Ochlerotatus) pix Martini 1935 a synonym of Aedes (O.) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann 1821). Mosquito Systematics 9(4):535.
1977 Sirivanakarn S 1977 Redescription of four Oriental species of Culex (Culiciomyia) and the description of a new species from Thailand (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 9(2):93-111.
1977 White G.-B. 1977 The Place of Morphological Studies in the Investigation of Anopheles Species Complexes. Mosq. Syst. Vol9(1):

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