Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1985 Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1985 A new species of Culex (Melanoconion) from southern Brazil (Diptera: Culicidae). Rev. Saude Publica 19: 171-182.
1889 Ficalbi. E. 1889 Descrizione di una specie nuova. Zanara di colorito modesto Culex modestus n. sp. (Notizie preventive sulle zanzare italane. IVa. Nota preventiva). (1890)a. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 21:93-94.
1930 Edwards, F.W. 1930 Mosquito notes.- X. Bull. Ent. Res. 21:541-545, illus.
1945 Floch, H. and E. Abonnenc. 1945 Les moustiques de la Guadeloupe (II). Les genres Megarhinus, Aedes, Culex, Deinocerites, Mansonia et Wyeomyia. Publ. Inst. Pasteur Guyane de l'Inini.No. 110, 48 pp.
1977 Parker, D. J. 1977 Can. Ent. 109(1):93-94. Can. Ent. 109(1):93-94.
1946 Tsai-Yu and R. M. Bohart 1946 The mosquitoes of Japan and their medical importance. U. S. Navmed 1095, 44 pp.
1964 Dodge, H. R. 1964 Larval chaetotaxy and notes on the biology of Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 57: 46-53, illus.
1984 Klein JM, Rivière F, Sechan Y 1984 Une nouvelle espèce de moustique (Diptera: Culicidae) des iles Marquises (Polynésie Française): Culex (Culex) toviiensis n.sp. Description de la larve et de la nymphe. Cah. ORSTOM. Ser. Entomol. Med. ParasLtol. 21(2):71-76.
1949 Penn, G.H. 1949 The pupae of the mosquitoes of New Guinea. Pacif. Sci. 3: 3-85, illus.
1987 Su Long and Zhang Yongs-heng. 1987 A new species of the subgenus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga (Diptera: Culicidae). Acta Entomol. Sin. 30: 450-452.(In Chinese).

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