Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1924 | Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of Indai. Part X. The larvae of indian species of Lutzia Theo. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta, 11(4): 977-78 | |
1970 | Forattini O.P., Rabello E.X., Cotrim M.D. 1970 Catalogo das colecoes entomologicas da Faculdade de saude publica da Universide de Sao Paulo (1a Serie). Culicidae. Revista de Faculdad de Saud Publica (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 4, serie monografica n°1: 100 pp. | |
1950 | Gjullin, C.M., W.W. Yates and H.H. Stage. 1950 Studies on Aedes vexans (Meig.) and Aedes sticticus (Meig.), flood-water mosquitoes, in the lower Columbia River Valley. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 43:262-275, illus. | |
1901 | Doenitz, W. 1901 Nachrichten aus dem Berliner Entomologischen Verein. Insekten -Borse 18:36-38. English translation. | |
1941 | King W.V., Bradley G.H. 1941 General morphology of Anopheles and classification of the Nearctic species. Publ. Am. Ass. Advanc. Sci. 15:63-70, illus. | |
1958 | Nielsen, E. T. and A. T. Nielsen. 1958 Observations on mosquitoes in Iraq. Ent. Medd. 28:282-321, illus. | |
1975 | Gutsevich, A. V. 1975 The Determination of Mosquito Females (Culicidae) by Microscopic Preparations of the Head. III. A Key to Species (excluding Aedes). Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(2):153-162. | |
1959 | Guy, Y. 1959 Les Anopheles du Maroc. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. et Phys. Maroc. Zool. (N.S.) 7:1-235, illus. | |
1975 | Belkin J.N., Heinemann S.J. 1975 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' 3. Bahama Is. (BAH), Cayman Is. (CAY), Cuba (CUB), Haiti (HAC, HAR, HAT) and Lesser Antilles (LAR). Mosquito Systematics 7(4):367-393. | |
1911 | James SP 1911 A monograph of the anopheline mosquitoes of India, Second Edition. Thacker, Spick & Co., Calcutta.1-128. |
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