Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1951 | Bonne-Wepster, J. 1951 Anopheles venhuisi n. sp. Docum. neerl. indones. Morb. trop. 3:284. | |
1951 | Bonne-Wepster, J. 1951 Notes on Oriental and Australasian mosquitoes of the Malay Archipelago. Docum. neerl. indones. Morb. trop. 3:67-74, illus. | |
1954 | Bonne-Wepster, J. 1954 Synopsis of a hundred common non-Anopheline mosquitoes of the greater and lesser Sundas, The Moluscas and New Guinea. Documenta de Medicina Geographica et Tropica. 6:1-29,illus. | |
1921 | Bonne-Wepster J., Bonne C. 1921 Notes on South American mosquitoes in the British Museum (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. menst. 9:1-26. | |
1974 | Boorman J, Kremer M, Braverman Y 1974 Redescription de Culicoides vitreipennis Austen. Annales de Parasitologie (Paris), T.49,(5): 631-637. | |
1961 | Boorman, J.P.T. 1961 Observations on the habits of mosquitos of Plateau Province, Northern Nigeria, with particular reference to Aedes (Stegomyia) vittatus (Bigot). Bull. ent. Res. 52:709-725, illus. | |
1970 | Boreham, M. M. 1970 Mansonia leberi</I>, a new mosquito from the Panama Canal Zone, with notes on its biology (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 7:383-390, illus. | |
1926 | Borel, E. 1926 Les moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam - (I.) Arch. Insts.Pasteur Indo-chinie (3-4):75-121, 19 pls. | |
1926 | Borel, E. 1926 Les Moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam. Archives des Instituts Pasteur d’lndochine.October, 1-106. | |
1930 | Borel E. 1930 Les moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam. Monographie III Masson ed., Coll. de la Société de Pathologie Exotique |
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