Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
2010 | Reinert JF 2010 List of species in tribe Sabethini with published illustrations and/or descriptions of eggs (Diptera: Culicidae) European Mosquito Bulletin 28: 162-166 | |
2010 | Farfan-Ale J.A., Lorono-Pino M.A., Garcia-Rejon J.E., Soto V., Lin M., Staley M., Dorman K.S., Bartholomay L.C., Hovav E., Blivitch B.J. 2010 Detection of Flaviviruses and Orthobunyaviruses in Mosquitoes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in 2008. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 10(8):777-783. | |
2010 | Dzul-Manzanilla F., Manrique Saide P., Che Mendoza A., Rebollar Tellez E. 2010 Mosquitos de Yucatan. non renseigné (?) | |
2010 | Garcia-Rejon J., Blivitch B.J., Farfan-Ale J.A., Lorono-Pino M.A., Chi Chim W.A., Flores-Flores L.F., Rosado-Paredes E., Baak-Baak C., Suarez-Solis V., Fernandez-Salas I., Beaty B.J. 2010 Host-feeding preference of the mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, in Yucatan State, Mexico. Journal of Insect Science 10(32):1-12. | |
2010 | Hay S.I., Sinka M.E., Okara R.M., Kabaria C.W., Mbithi P.M., Tago C.C., Benz D., Gething P.W., Howes R.E., Patil AP. Et Al. 2010 Developng global maps of the dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria. PLoS Medecine 7(2):e1000209. | |
2010 | Manrique Saide P., Zapata Peniche A. 2010 Mosquitos de Merida. non renseigné (?) | |
2010 | Manrique-Saide P., Escobedo-Ortegon J., Bolio-Gonzalez M., Sauri-Arceo C., Dzib-Florez S., Guillermo-May G., Ceh-Pavia E., Lenhart A. 2010 Incrimination of the mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus, as the primary vector of heartworm, Dirofiaria immitis, in coastal Yucatan, Mexico. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 24:456-460. | |
2010 | Saiyasombat R., Dorman K.S., Garcia-Rejon J.E., Lorono-Pino M.A., Farfan-Ale J.A., Blivitch B.J. 2010 Isolation and sequence analysis of Culex flavivirus from Culex interrogator and Culex quinquefasciatus in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Archives of Virology 155(6):983-986. | |
2010 | Sinka M.E., Rubio-Palis Y., Manguin S., Patil A.P., Temperley W.H., Gething P.W., Van Boeckel T., Kabaria C.W., Harbach R.E., Hay S.I. 2010 The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Americas: occurence data, distribution maps and bionomics précis. Parasites & Vectors 3(72):1-26. | |
2011 | Brunhes J., Boussès P., da Cunha Ramos H. 2011 Les Aedeomyia Theobald, 1901, des régions afro-tropicale et malgache (Diptera : Culicidae). Bulletin Société entomologique de France, 116 (1), 2011 : 99-128 |
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