Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1989 Maslov A.V. 1989 Blood-sucking mosquitoes of the subtribe Culisetina (Diptera, Culicidae) in world fauna. Smithsonian Institution Libraries & The National Science Foundation (Washington, USA), Ronald A. Ward editor (Translated from the Russian), 248 pp.
1989 Fontenille D, Jupp PG 1989 Présence du moustique Culex (Culex) neavei à Madagascar, conséquence dans la transmission des arbovirus. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Madagascar. 56(1):287-295.
1989 Evenhuis, N.L. and S.M. Gon III. 1989 Family Culicidae, pp. I 91 -218. In: N.L. Evenhuis (ed.), Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian regions. Bishop Museum Special Publication 867 Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, andE.J. Brill, Leiden.
1989 Lee DJ, Hicks MM, Debenham ML,Griffiths M, Marks EN, Bryan JH, Russell RC. 1989 The Culicidae of the Australasian Region. Volume 7. Genus Culex. Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Monogr. Ser. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 281 p.
1989 Miyagi I, Toma T 1989 A New Species of Topomyia (Suaymyia) suchariti from Thailand (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 21(1):16-24.
1989 Gong Z. and J. Shuhong. 1989 A new species of Tripteroides from Yunnan (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 32:482-484.
1989 Gong Z. 1989 A new species of genus Topomyia from Yunnan, China (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 32:90-91.
1989 Rosa-Freitas, M. G. 1989 Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum: a new species in the albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio 84:535-543.
1989 Wilkerson R.C. 1989 Elevation of Anopheles chiriquiensis from synonymy with Anopheles parapunctipennis and designation of name-bearing types for Anopheles parapunctipennis and Anopheles parapunctipennis guatemalensis (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 21(3):178-187.
1989 Tsukamoto M 1989 Two new mosquito species from a pitcher plant of Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia: Culex rajah and Toxorhynchites rajah (Diptera: Culicidae). Jpn. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 17:215-228.

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