Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1987 Tewari SC, Hiriyan J & Reuben R 1987 Survey of the anopheline fauna of the western ghats in Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Malariology, 24: 21-28.
1987 Coetzee M 1987 A taxonomic description of Anopheles quadriannulatus Theobald (Diptera : Culicidae) from South Africa. Systematic Entomology, 12: 305-312.
1987 Forattini OP, Sallum MAM 1987 Studies on some species of Culex (Melanoconion), with the description of a new one from Southern Brazil (Diptera : Culicidae). Revista de Sa?de P?blica de Sao Paulo, 21 : 123-156.
1987 Gouteux JP 1987 Une nouvelle glossine du Congo : Glossina (Austenina) frezili sp. nov. (Diptera : Glossinidae). Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 38(2) : 97-100.
1987 Danilov VN 1987 Mosquitoes of the genus Toxorhynchites in the fauna of the USSR and related taxons in East and South-East Asia (Culicidae). Parazitologiia, 21 : 151-155.
1987 da Cunha Ramos H, 1987 Description of the male genitalia of Uranotaenia henrardi Edwards, 1935 (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 19(2) : 135-138
1987 Danilov VN 1987 Differential morphology of the two afrotropical mosquitoes, Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) nigripes and U. (P.) fusca (Diptera : Culicidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, 19(2) : 113-116.
1987 Cova Garcia P, Pulido FJ, Escalante De Ugueto E, Domingo Mora. JDR 1987 Uranotaenia iriartei (Diptera, Culicidae), nueva especie de Venezuela. Boletin de la direccion de Malariologia y Saneamiento ambiental, 27(1-4):45-52.
1987 Cranston P.S., Ramsdale C.D., Snow K.R., White G.B. 1987 Keys of the adults, male hypopygia, fourth-instar larvae and pupae of the British mosquitoes (Culicidae) Freeshwater Bological Association Scientific Publication, N°48
1988 Linthicum K.J. 1988 A revision of the Argyritarsis Section of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 20(2):98-271.

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