Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1939 | Nainggolan, F. J. 1939 Over een varieteit van Anopheles gigas uit Oedjali Kalah (Noord Kerintji). en de variabiliteit harer vleugelteekening. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Ind. 79:163-170. | |
2004 | Najera-Vasquez R., Dzul F., Sabido M., Tun-Ku E., Manrique-Saide P. 2004 New distribution records of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) for Yucatan, Mexico. Entomological News 115(4):181-190. | |
1954 | Nakagawa. H. and K. Asanuma. 1954 Pupal chaetotaxy of mosquitoes belonging to the tribe Sabethini, with some notes of the extra-setae on the ab dominal segments. Studies on the pupal stage of Japanese mosquitoes, Part XI. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. nat. Resourc. Tokyo 36:85-95, illus. | |
1955 | Nakagawa H, Asanuma K 1955 On the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) hakusanensis Yamaguti et Tamaboko, 1954, with remarks on the pupal chaetotaxy of the subgenus Ochlerotatus. Studies on the pupal stage of Japanese mosquitoes XII. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resourc. Tokyo 39: 103-108, illus. | |
1956 | Nakata, Goiti. 1956 A new species of mosquito, Aedes (Finlaya) kobayashii n. sp. from Kyoto, Japan. Jap. J. sanit. Zool. 7:135. | |
1959 | Nakata, Goiti. 1959 Redescription of Aedes (Finlaya) kobayashii Nakata, 1956. Jap. J. sanit. Zool. 10:16-20, 2 pls. | |
2014 | Namazov ND 2014 The Distribution of Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in the Republic of Azerbaijan ISSN 0013-8738, Entomological Review, 2014, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 280–282. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., | |
2018 | Namgay R, Drukpa T, WangDI T, Pemo D, Harbach R, Somboon P 2018 A checklist of the Anopheles mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Bhutan. Acta Tropica, Vol 188: 206-212. | |
1973 | Narang, N., S. Narang, J. B. Kitzmiller, G. P. Sharma, and 0. P. Sharma. 1973 Evolutionary changes in the banding patterns of salivary gland chromosomes in the genus Anopheles, subgenus Cellia. J. med. Ent. 10:13-22, illus. | |
2022 | Naranjo-Diaz N, Suaza-Vasco J, Pineda-Angel J, Uribe S 2022 New records of Sabethini (Diptera: Culicidae) from Colombia Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e68413. |
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