Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2023 Harbach RE, Wilkerson RC 2023 The insupportable validity of mosquito subspecies (Diptera: Culicidae) and their exclusion from culicid classification Zootaxa 5303: 1–30 , ISBN 978-1-77688-796-5
2009 Reinert JF 2009 List of abbreviations for currently valid generic-level taxa in family Culicidae (Diptera) European Mosquito Bulletin 27, 68-76
2023 Reeves LE, Sloyer KE, Tyler-Julian K, Heinig R, Rosales A, Domingo C, Burkett-Cadena ND 2023 Culex (Phenacomyia) lactator (Diptera: Culicidae) in southern Florida, USA: a new subgenus and species country record Journal of Medical Entomology, 1–9
2020 Soghigian John, Gloria-Soria A, Robert V, Le Goff G, Failloux AB, Powell JR 2020 Genetic evidence for the origin of Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, in the southwestern Indian Ocean Molecular Ecology, 29(19):3593-3606.
2016 Linares MA, Laurito M, Visintin AM, Rossi GC, Stein M, Almiron WR 2016 New mosquito records (Diptera: Culicidae) from northwestern Argentina Check List 12(4): 1944
2020 Dantur Juri MJ, Villarroel Martinez EI, Flores GC, Stein M, Mureb Sallum MA 2020 New records of mosquitoe species in Northwestern Argentina. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 36(3):201–203.
2015 Laurito M, Almiron WR 2015 Morphological variation in diagnostic features for two Culex (Culex) species of the Neotropical Region (Diptera: Culicidae) Zootaxa 4052 (5): 573–576
Rivera-García KD Description of the pupa of Culex (Culex) bidens Dyar (Diptera: Culicidae), Zootaxa 4521 (2):275-280.
2022 Berger A, Le Goff G, Boussès P, Rahola N., Ferre J-B., Ayala D, Robert V 2022 Using a pupal exuvia to designate the undamaged neotype of a species belonging to a Complex of sibling species – The case of Aedes coluzzii (Diptera, Culicidae). Parasite 29, 19.
1996 Sallum Maria A.M., Almiron Walter R., Forattini Oswaldo P. 1996 Culex (Culex) interfor Dyar (Diptera: Culicidae), Morphological Description Including Previously Unknown Life Stages. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 91(5): 563-570, Sep./Oct. 1996

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