Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
2013 | Ordonez-Sanchez F, Sanchez-Trinidad A, Mis-Avila P, Canul-Amaro G, Fernandez-Salas I, Ortega-Morales AI 2013 Nuevos registros de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) en algunas localidades de Campeche y Quintana Roo. Entomología Mexicana 1: 850‒854. | |
2010 | Farfan-Ale Jose A., Lorono-Pino M.A., Julian E., Et Al. 2010 Detection of Flaviviruses and Orthobunyaviruses in Mosquitoes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in 2008. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10(8): 777-783 | |
2009 | Farfan-Ale Jose A., Loroño-Pino M.A., Garcia-Rejon J.E., Hovav E., Powers A.M., Lin M., Dorman K.S., Platt K.B., Bartholomay L.C. , Soto V., Beaty B.J., Lanciotti R.S., Blitvich B.J. 2009 Detection of RNA from a Novel West Nile-like Virus and High Prevalence of an Insect-specific Flavivirus in Mosquitoes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico Am J Trop Med Hyg., 80(1): 85–95. | |
2005 | Darsie R.F., Ward R.A. 2005 Identification and geographical distribution of the mosquitoes of North America, north of Mexico University Press of Florida, Gainesville, United States, 384 pp. | |
2003 | Dominguez-Galera M.A. 2003 Evaluación del Piretroide Bifentrina sobre cambios conductuales de Anopheles Albimanus Wiedeman Diptera (Culicidae) [sic], mediante el rociado intradomiciliario en el sur del estado de Quintana Roo, México M.S. thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. | |
1986 | Pletsch DJ 1986 A Comparison of Faunal Lists of Mosquito Species in Florida, in Cuba and in the State of Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Journal of the Florida Anti-Mosquito Association, 57: 29‒32. | |
1977 | Pletsch D.J. 1977 Mosquito investigation and control in tourist development areas of Mexico: III. Species, densities and associations of mosquitoes found in Cancun, Quintana Roo from December, 1972 through December, 1975 Mosq. News 37(2): 222‒226 | |
1973 | Diaz Najera A., Vargas L. 1973 Mosquitos mexicanos. Distribucion geografica actualizada Rev. Inv. Dalud Publica (Mexico) 33:111-125. | |
1957 | Stone A 1957 Corrections in the taxonomy and nomenclature of mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 58: 333‒344 | |
1957 | Stone A, Knigh KL 1957 Type specimens of mosquitoes in the United States National Museum: VI, Miscellaneous genera, addenda, and summary J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 47: 196‒202 |
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