Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2010 Hay S.I., Sinka M.E., Okara R.M., Kabaria C.W., Mbithi P.M., Tago C.C., Benz D., Gething P.W., Howes R.E., Patil AP. Et Al. 2010 Developng global maps of the dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria. PLoS Medecine 7(2):e1000209.
1931 Headlee TJ 1931 The biology of the important economic species of mosquitoes occurring in New Jersey. Proc. N. J. Mosq. Ext. Ass., [Ann. Meet. 18] :40-69.
1923 Hearle, E. 1923 A new mosquito from British Columbia (Culicidae, Diptera). Can. Ent. 55:4-5.
1927 Hearle. E. 1927 A new Canadian mosquito (Culicidae). Can. Ent. 59:101-103.
1953 Hedeen, R.A. 1953 The biology of the mosquito Aedes atropalpus Coquillett. Kans. Ent. Soc. 26:1-10.
1954 Hedeen, R.A. 1954 The identification of the larva of Psorophora (Grabhamia) signipennis (Coquillett). Mosq. News 14:143-145.
1959 Hedeen, R.A. 1959 A review of the mosquito larvae of France II. The genus Aedes. Mosq. News 9:179-183, illus.
1979 Heinemann Sandra, J. N. Belkin. 1979 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' 13. South America: Brazil (BRA, BRAP,BRB), Ecuador (ECU), Peru (PER), Chile (CH). Mosq. Syst. Vol11(2):61-118.
1980 Heinemann S.J., Aitken H.G., Belkin J.N. 1980 Collection records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America'. 14. Trinidad and Tobago (TR, TRM, TOB). Mosquito Systematics 12(2):179-284.
1978 Heinemann, S. J. & J. N. Belkin. 1978 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' II. Venezuela (VZ); Guianas: French Guiana (FG, FGC), Guyana (GUY), Surinam (SUR). Mosq. Syst. Vol10(3):365-459

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