Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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1969 Zavortink T.J. 1969 New species and records of treehole mosquitoes from the South Western United States Mosquito Systematics Newsletter 1(2): 22.
1969 Hogue C.L., Bright D.B. 1969 Crabhole breeding mosquitoes: news of the project for study the biologies of land crabs and their burrow associates. Mosquito Systematics Newsletter 1(4): 72-73.
1967 Srihongse S., Scherer W.F., Galindo P. 1967 Detection of arboviruses by sentinel hamsters during the low period of transmission American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 16(4): 519-524.
1967 Galindo P., Trapido H. 1967 Description of Haemagogus aeritinctus, a new species from British Honduras, with note on the validity of Haemagogus lucifer (H. D. and K.) Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 69(2): 103-111.
1966 Diaz Najera A. 1966 Mosquitos tropicales de Mexico Revista Invest. Salud publica de Mexico 26(1): 57-64.
1966 Dodge H.R. 1966 Studies on mosquito larvae II. The first-stage larvae of North American Culicidae and of world Anophelinae The Canadian Entomologist, 98(4): 337-393, illus.
2024 Ortega-Morales A.I., Quijano-Barraza J.M., Rodriguez-Perez M.A., Hernandez-Triana L.M., Wong-Corral F., Correa-Morales F. 2024 The mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Sonora: Distribution, Ecology, and the First Records of Aedes deserticola Zavortink and Toxorhynchites septentrionalis (Dyar and Knab) in Mexico Diversity 2024, 16, 681.
1965 Moreno Valle R., Suarez Torres G. 1965 Evolucion del paludismo en la frontera mexicano-guatemalteca en 1964 y plan de accion para 1965 Salud publica de Mexico Epoca V vol VII(1): 33-40.
1965 Martinez A., Carcavallo R.U. 1965 Notes au sujet de Culicidae sud-américains. La distribution du genre Haemagogus Williston, 1896 en Amérique du Sud Cahiers ORSTOM: série Entomologie médicale et Parasitologie 3 & 4: 39-45.
1965 Eads R.B., Campos E.G., Treving H.A. 1965 Mosquitoes recovered from Mexican ships entering quarantine at Brownville, Texas Mosquito News 25(1): 64-65.

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