Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2006 Rattanarithikul Rampa, Harrison BA, Panthusiri P, Peyton EL, Coleman RE 2006 Ilustrated keys to the mosquitoes of Thailand III. Genera Aedeomyia, Ficalbia, Mimomyia, Hodgesia, Coquillettidia, Mansonia and Uranotaenia Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health; 37 Suppl 1:1-85
1940 Rao, V.V. and V. Ramakrishna. 1940 A note on the larva of A. varuna (Iyengar). Malar. Inst. India 3:509-512.
1938 Rao, B.A., W.C. Sweet and A.M. Subba Rao. 1938 Ova measurements of A. stephensi type and A. stephensi var. mysorensis. Malar. Inst. India 1:261- 266, 1 pl.
1984 Ranque P, Touré YT, Soula G, Le Du, Diallo Y, Traoré O, Duflo B, Balique H 1984 Etude expérimentale sur l'utilisation de moustiquaires imprégnées de deltamethrine dans la lutte contre le paludisme. Parassitologia 26: 261-268.
2013 Randrianambinintsoa F J, Léger N, Robert V, Depaquit J 2013 Phlebotomine sand flies from Madagascar (Diptera: Psychodidae). VII. An identification key for Phlebotomus with the description of Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp. Parasite 20(6).
Randrianabinitsoa Sergentomyia huberti mâle
2000 Ramsdale C, Snow K 2000 Distribution of the genus Anopheles in Europe. European Mosquito Bulletin (7): 1-26.
2001 Ramsdale, C. and K. Snow. 2001 Distribution of the Genera Coquillettidia, Orthopodomyia and Uranotaenia in Europe. European Mosquito Bulletin (10): 25.
2008 Ramos MF, Obando RG, Suárez MF, López D, Wilkerson R, Sallum MAM 2008 Morphological analysis of three populations of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) nuneztovari Gabaldón (Diptera: Culicidae) from Colombia. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 103(1): 85-92,
2003 Ramos H., Ribeiro H. & Harrison BA. 2003 A new European mosquito species: Culex (Neoculex) europaeus (Diptera: Culicidae). European Mosq. Bul. 15: 6-11.

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