Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1930 | Manalang, C. 1930 Morphology and classification of the Philippine variety of Anopheles aconitus Donitz, 1902, and Anopheles minimus, 1901. Philipp. Philipp.J. Sci. 43:247-261. | |
1923 | Mandoul M, Dubos M, Moulinier C, de Cournuaud M 1923 Une enquête sur les culicides de Charente-Maritime ; présence du genre Mansonia Blanchard 1901 : M. (Coquillettidia) richiardii (Ficalbi) 1896 et M. (C.) buxtoni (Edwards) 1923. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique, 61(2) : 282-288. | |
1942 | Mangabeira, O. 1942 7.a Contribuicao ao estudo dos Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae). Descricao dos machos de 24 novas especies. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 37:111-218. | |
1919 | Mangkoewinoto, R. M. M. 1919 Anophelinen van West-Java. Meded. brugerl. geneesk.Dienst Ned.-Ind. 8:41-82. | |
2014 | Mangudo C, Aparicio JP, Gleiser RM 2014 Notes on the occurence and habitats of Sabethes purpureus in Salta Province, Argentina. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 30(1):57–60 | |
2017 | Mangudo C, Campos RE, Rossi G, Gleiser RM 2017 Snail shells as larval habitat of Limatus durhamii (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Yungas of Argentina. Acta Tropica 167 (2017) 204–207 | |
1993 | Manh, N.D., T.D. Hinh and N.T. Vien. 1993 Anopheles (Anopheles) vietnamensis a new species in the Anopheles Hyrcanus group from Vietnam (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 25(3):215-221. | |
1950 | Mann, F. G. 1950 Dos nuevas sub-especies del Anopheles pseudopunctipennis Th. 1901. Biologica, Santiago VIII-XI:33-42. | |
2020 | Manzoor F, Shabbir R, Sana L, Nazir S, Khan A M 2020 Determination of Species Composition of Mosquitoes in Lahore, Pakistan. Arthropod-Borne Dis,March 2020, 14(1): 106–115 | |
1996 | Marchon-Silva V, Lourenço-de-Oliveira R, Dolsan De Almeida M, Da Silva-Vasconcelos A, Costa J 1996 The Type Specimens of Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) Deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 91(4):471-478. |
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