Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1938 Rao, B.A., W.C. Sweet and A.M. Subba Rao. 1938 Ova measurements of A. stephensi type and A. stephensi var. mysorensis. Malar. Inst. India 1:261- 266, 1 pl.
1940 Rao, V.V. and V. Ramakrishna. 1940 A note on the larva of A. varuna (Iyengar). Malar. Inst. India 3:509-512.
2006 Rattanarithikul Rampa, Harrison BA, Panthusiri P, Peyton EL, Coleman RE 2006 Ilustrated keys to the mosquitoes of Thailand III. Genera Aedeomyia, Ficalbia, Mimomyia, Hodgesia, Coquillettidia, Mansonia and Uranotaenia Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health; 37 Suppl 1:1-85
1973 Rattanarithikul R. and B. A. Harrison. 1973 An illustrated key to the Anopheles larvae of Thailand. S. Army Med. Comp., SE Asia Treaty Org., Bangkok, Thailand. 14 pp., 42 pls.
1986 Rattanarithikul, R. and C. A. Green. 1986 Formal recognition of the species of the Anopheles maculates group (Diptera: Culicidae) occurring in Thailand, including the descriptions of two new species and a preliminary key to females. Mosq, Syst. Vol 18(3,4):246-278.
1990 Rattanarithikul R, Harbach RE 1990 Anopheles maculatus (Diptera: Culicidae) from the type locality of Hong Kong and two new species of the Maculatus, Complex from the Philippines. Mosq. Syst.Vol. 22(3):160-183.
1988 Rattanarithikul R., Harrison A. 1988 Aedes (Finlaya) reinerti, a New Species from Northern Thailand related to Aedes (Finlaya) formosensis Yamada (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol 20(1):77-96.
1978 Ravaonjanahary, C. 1978 Description complementaire d'Aedes (Diceromyia) tiptoni Grjebine, 1953. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M. Ser. Entomol. Med. Parasitol. 16:99-103.
1978 Ravaonjanahary C. 1978 Les Aedes de Madagascar. 1 - Etude monographique du genre. 2- Biologie d'Aedes tiptoni Travaux et Documents de l'ORSTOM n° 87, 210 pp.
1979 Ravaonjanahary C 1979 Présence à Madagascar de Culex (Culex) watti Edwards, 1920 Description de la larve et de la nymphe de l’espèce. Cahier ORSTOM, sér. Ent. rnéd. et Parasitol., 17(3): 193-194.

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