Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1980 Berlin O.G.W., Belkin J.N. 1980 Mosquitoes studies (Diptera, Culicidae) (Diptera, Culicidae). XXXVI. Subgenera Aedinus, Tinolestes and Anoedioporpa of Culex. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 17(2):1-104.
1975 Berlin O.G.W. 1975 Description of the male and the pupa of Aedes (Howardina) lorrainae Berlin, with a note on the quadrivittatus group (Diptera Cullicidae). Mosquito Systematics 7(2):127-131.
1974 Berlin O.G.W. 1974 A new species of Bromeliad-breeding Culex (Micraedes) from Mexico (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 6(4):273-78.
1970 Berlin O.G.W. 1970 Mosquito studies (Diptera Culicidae) XVIII. The subgenus Micraedes of Culex. Contributions of the American entomological Institute 5(1): 21-63.
1969 Berlin OGW 1969 Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae). XIV. Redescription of Toxorhynchites (T.) gigantulus from the Philippines. Contrib. Am. Entomol. Inst. 4(4): 21-26
1969 Berlin O.G.W. 1969 Mosquitoes studies (Diptera, Culicidae) XII. A revision of the Neotropical subgenus Howardina of Aedes. Contributions of the American entomological Institute 4(2): 1-190.
2022 Berger A, Le Goff G, Boussès P, Rahola N., Ferre J-B., Ayala D, Robert V 2022 Using a pupal exuvia to designate the undamaged neotype of a species belonging to a Complex of sibling species – The case of Aedes coluzzii (Diptera, Culicidae). Parasite 29, 19.
1933 Bequaert J.C. 1933 Contribution of the entomology of Yucatan. Carnegie Institution of Washington, chap. 29:547-574.
2017 Bennouna A, Balenghien, T, El Rhaffouli H, Schaffner, Garros C, Gardès L, Lhor Y 2017 First record of Stegomyia albopicta (=Aedes albopictus) in Morocco: a major threat to public health in North Africa? Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2017) 31 , 102–106
2015 Bennett KL, Linton YM, Shija F Et Al 2015 Molecular Differentiation of the African Yellow Fever Vector Aedes bromeliae ( Diptera : Culicidae ) from Its Sympatric Non-vector Sister Species, Aedes lilii Neglected Tropical Disease

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