Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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1931 Enderlein, G. 1931 Zwei neue Toxohynchites aus dem Kongogebiete. Zool. Anz.
1931 Headlee TJ 1931 The biology of the important economic species of mosquitoes occurring in New Jersey. Proc. N. J. Mosq. Ext. Ass., [Ann. Meet. 18] :40-69.
1931 Brug, S.L. 1931 XXXII. Culiciden der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition. Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl.-bd. 9, Tropische Binnengewasser 2:1-42,illus.
1931 Martini E. 1931 Ueber einige sudamerikanische Culiciden. Revista de Entomologia Rio de Janeiro, 1(2):199-219.
1931 Senevet, G. 1931 Contribution à l'étude des nymphes d'anophelines (2e Mémoire). Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 9:17-112.
1931 Giaquinto-Mira, M. 1931 Una nueva especie de Anopheles en Guatemala: Anopheles hectoris mihi. Bol. Dir. Gen. Salub. [Guatemala] 1:606-615, illus.
1931 Galliard H 1931 Culex brumpti, n. sp. moustique nouveau trouvé en Corse. Ann. Parasit. Hum. Comp. 9:134-139.
1931 Christophers, S.R.and I.M. Puri. 1931 Species and varieties of the funestus series of Anopheles. Rec. Malar. Surv. India 2:481-493, illus.
1931 De Meillon, B. 1931 Illustrated keys to the full-grown larvae adults of South African anopheline mosquitos. Publ. S. Afr. Inst.Res. 4:275-375, illus.
1931 Barraud PJ, Christophers SR 1931 On a collection of Anopheline and Culicine mosquitoes from Siam. Rec. Malar. Surv. India, Calcutta 2(2): 269-85

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