Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1970 Pickavance, J.R., G.F. Bennett, and J. Phipps. 1970 Some mosquitoes and blackflies from Newfoundland. Can. J. Zool. 48:621-624.
1931 Philip, C.B. 1931 Two new species of Uranotaenia (Culicidae) from Nigeria, with notes on the genus in the Ethiopian Region. Bull. Ent. Res. 22: 183-193, illus.
1990 Phan Vu Thi, Duc Manh N & Tho Vien N 1990 Anopheles (Anopheles) cucphuongensis: A New Species from Vietnam (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 22(3):145-148.
2017 Phanitchakun T, Wilai P, Saimgamsook J, Namgay R, Drukpa T, Tsuda Y, Walton C, Harbach R, Somboon P 2017 Culex (Culiciomyia) sasai (Diptera: Culicidae), senior synonym of Cx. spiculothorax and a new country record for Bhutan. Acta Tropica 171 (2017) 194–198
2019 Phanitchakun T, Namgay R, Miyagi I, Tsuda Y, Walton C, Harbach R, Somboon P 2019 Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of Lutzia (Diptera: Culicidae: Culicini) from Thailand. Acta Tropica 191: 77-86.
2018 Pfitzner WP, Lehner A, Hoffman D, Czajka C, Becker N 2018 First record and morphological characterization of an established population of Aedes ( Hulecoeteomyia ) koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Germany. Parasites & Vectors. 11:662
1983 Peyton EL, Roberts DR, Pinheiro FP 1983 Mosquito collections from a remote unstudied area of southeastern Bolivia. Vol 15(2):61-89.
1964 Peyton E.L., Reinert J.F., Peterson N.E. 1964 The occurence of Deinocerites pseudes Dyar and Knab in the United States, with additional notes on the biology of Deinocerites species of Texas. Mosquito News 24(4):449-458.
1992 Peyton E.-L., R. C.Wilkerson and R. E. Harbach. 1992 Comparative Analysis of the Subgenera Kerteszia and Nyssorhynchus of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 24(1):51-69.
1988 Peyton E.L., Ramalingam Shivaji 1988 Anopheles (Cellia) nemophilous, a New Species of the Leucosphyrus Group from Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand (Dipetra:Culicidae) Mosquito Systematics

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