Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1917 Cot, Hovass 1917 Quelques remarques sur les anophelines de Macédoine. Bull. Soc.Path. exot. 10:890-895.
1917 Howard L.O., Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1917 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Systematic description. Part II. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 159, Vol. 4, pp. 525-1064, illus. Washington, D.C.
1917 Dyar, Harrison G. 1917 The mosquitoes of the mountains of California (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. menst. 5:11-21.
1917 Swellengrebel, N. H. 1917 Myzomyia rossi Giles, M. ludlowi Theob. en M. indefinita Ludlow. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 57:490-495.
1917 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1917 New American mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) Insecutor Inscitle Menstruus 5(10-12): 165-169.
1917 Brethes, J. 1917 Description d'une nouvelle espece de moustique de Buenos Aires. Physis, B. Aires 3:226-229, illus.
1917 Dyar, Harrison G. 1917 A new Aedes from the Rocky-mountain region (Diptera, Culicdae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 5:127-128.
1917 Stanton, A. T. and H. P. Hacker. 1917 The Anopheles of Malaya- III. A new variety of A. albotaeniatus, Theo. Bull. ent. Res. 7:273-275, illus.
1917 Dyar, Harrison G. 1917 Notes on the Aedes of Montana (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 5:104-121.
1917 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1917 Bromelicolous Anopheles (Diptera, Culicidae) Insec. Inscit. Menst. 5:38-40.

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