Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1969 | Barreto P, Lee VH 1969 Arthropods hematofagos del rio raposo, valle, colombia. Mosquitoes de la costa del pacifico. Caldasia. 10(49): 407-440. | |
1966 | Reid, J.A. 1966 A note on Anopheles subpictus Grassi and A. indefinitus Ludlow (Diptera: Culicidae). Med. Ent. 3:327-331, illus. | |
1972 | Clastrier, J. 1972 Description des stades inconnus de Culex (Mochlostyrax) lacertosus Komp & Rozeboom, 1951 (Dipt. Culicidae). Annls. Soc. ent. Fr (N.S.) 8:169-178, illus. | |
1947 | Bates M. 1947 The development and longevity of Haemagogus momsquitoes under laboratory conditions. Ann. ENTOMOL. SOC. AM. 40(1): 1-12 | |
1889 | Skuse, F. A. A. 1889 Diptera of Australia. Part V.- The Culicidae. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 3:1717-1764, 1 pl. | |
1971 | Bhat HR, Kulkarni SM 1971 A report on the occurrence of culex (neoculex) hortensis ficalbi, 1889, in ladakh, india Oriental insects. 5(4) p.583-584 | |
1985 | Forattini, O.P. and M.A.M. Sallum. 1985 A new species of Culex (Melanoconion) from southern Brazil (Diptera: Culicidae). Rev. Saude Publica 19: 171-182. | |
1889 | Ficalbi. E. 1889 Descrizione di una specie nuova. Zanara di colorito modesto Culex modestus n. sp. (Notizie preventive sulle zanzare italane. IVa. Nota preventiva). (1890)a. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 21:93-94. | |
1930 | Edwards, F.W. 1930 Mosquito notes.- X. Bull. Ent. Res. 21:541-545, illus. | |
1945 | Floch, H. and E. Abonnenc. 1945 Les moustiques de la Guadeloupe (II). Les genres Megarhinus, Aedes, Culex, Deinocerites, Mansonia et Wyeomyia. Publ. Inst. Pasteur Guyane de l'Inini.No. 110, 48 pp. |
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