Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1924 Dyar, Harrison G. 1924 The American forms of Aedes cinereus Meigen (Diptera, Cu Iicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 12:179-180.
1924 Yamada, Shinichiro. 1924 A revision of the adult anopheline mosquitoes of Japan: systematic descriptions, their habits and their relations to human diseases, together with an account of three new species. Sci. Rep. Inst. infect. Dis. Tokyo Univ. 3:215-241.
1924 Séguy E. 1924 Notes sur les moustiques de l'Afrique Mineure, de l'Egypte et de la Syrie. Encycl. ent. (B) I, Dipt.
1924 Martini, E. 1924 uliciden- Beobachtungen 1922, 1923. CZ. Angew. Ent. 10:436-447.
1924 Dyar, Harrison G. 1924 Some new mosquitoes from Colombia (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 12:119-124.
1924 Barraud PJ. 1924 A new mosquito from mosquito from Kashmir Finlaya sintoni. India J. Med. Research 12(1): 73-74
1924 Christophers, S.R. 1924 Some Himalayan and peninsular varieties of Indian species of Anopheles. Indian J. med. Res. 12:11-13.
1924 Koidzumi, M. 1924 The anophelines of Formosa. Trans. Far-East. Ass. trop. Med. 5th Cong. pp. 96-101.
1924 Dyar H.G. 1924 Some new mosquitoes from Colombia - II (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 12:183-186.
1924 Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XV. The indian species of the subgenus Lophoceratomyia (Theo.) Edw. including two new species. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta 12(1): 39-46

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