Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1972 Huang, Y.-M. 1972 Lectotype designation for Aedes (Stegomyia) galloisi Yamada with a note on its assignment to the scutellaris group of species. (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc.Wash. 74(2):253-256.
1972 Gerberg, E. J. 1972 The type locality of Aedes (S.) simpsoni (Theobald). Mosq. Syst. 4(1):9.
1972 Belkin, J.N. and S.J. Heinemann 1972 A Tentative Annoted List of the Culicidae of the Island of Hispaniola Mosq. Syst.Vol4(2):63-72.
1972 Horsfall, W.R. and F.R. Voorhees. 1972 Eggs of floodwater mosquitoes XIV. Northern Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 65:123-126, illus.
1972 Lacey, M.S. and R. W. Lake. 1972 Description of the pupa of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) thibaulti (Diptera: Culicidae). Fla. Ent. 55:89-92
1972 Smithson, T. W. 1972 Species rank for Anopheles franciscanus based on failure of hybridization with Anopheles pseudopunctipennis pseudopunctipennis. J. med. Ent. 9:501-505.
1972 Sollers, H. 1972 1970 World studies on mosquitoes and diseases carried by them. Proc. New Jersey Mosq. Extermination Assoc. 1971 supp. 52 pp.
1972 Ortiz, I. 1972 Phlebotomus pifanoi nov. sp. nueva especie de Phlebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) de la region sur-este Amazonica Venezolana. Rev. Inst. Nac. Hyg., Caracas 5:21-26.
1972 Huang YM 1972 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia. XIV. The subgenus Stegomyia of Aedes in Southeast Asia. I. The scutellaris group of species. Contr. Amer. Entomol. Inst.9(1):1-109.
1972 Qutubuddin, M. 1972 A new species of Finlaya (Diptera: Culicidae) from Papua. Pakistan J. Health 22:119-120.

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