Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1906 Coquillett, D. W. 1906 A new Culex near curriez. Ent. News 17:109.
1906 Banks CS 1906 A list of philippine culicidae with descriptions of some new species. Philippine jJournal of Science. 1(9) p. 977-1007
1906 Coquillett, D. W. 1906 Five new Culicidae from the West Indies. Can. Ent. 38:60-62.
1906 Grossbeck, J.A. 1906 Notes on Culex squamiger, Coq., with description of a closely allied species. Can. Ent. 38:129-131, illus.
1906 Theobald, F. V. 1906 Report on economic entomology. Part I. Second report on the mosquitoes or Culicidae of the Sudan. Report Wellcome Laboratories, Gordon College, Khartoum 2:67-83, illus. + pls. 7-9.
1906 Dyar, Harrison G.and F. Knab. 1906 The species of mosquitoes in the genus Megarhinus. Smithson. Misc.Coll. 48(1657):241-258, illus.
1906 Neiva, A. 1906 Uma nova especie de anophelina brasiliera. Brazil med. 20:288-289, illus.
1906 Ventrillon, E. 1906 Culex nouveaux de Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris 12:100-106.
1906 Banks CS. 1906 A new genus and species of Culicidae. Philippine journal of science. 1(7) p. 779-784.
1906 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1906 Notes on some American mosquitoes with descriptions of new species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 19:159-172.

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