Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1986 Danilov VN 1986 Culicids of the Aedes cantans Group (Diptera, Culicidae) of the fauna of the USSR and Palaeartic. I. A key of females and the geographical distribution (alphabet cyrillique). Revue d'Entomologie de l'URSS, 65(2) : 419-425.
1958 Mattingly PF 1958 The Culicinae Mosquitoes of the Indomalayan Area. Part III.Genus Aedes Meigen, subgenera Paraedes Edwards, Rhinoskusea Edwards and Cancraedes Edwards. British Museum (Natural History), London, 61 pp.
1985 Danilov VN 1985 Mosquitoes of the subgenus Edwardaedes of the fauna of the Palaearctic with the description of the larva of Aedes (Edw.) bekkui. Parazitologiia, 19(5) : 378?381.
1991 Cornel AJ 1991 Description of Aedes (Neomelaniconion) aurovenatus Worth (Diptera : Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 23(1): 54-65.
1980 Reinert JF 1980 A literature review of pupal seta 13-CT in the family Culicidae (Diptera) and report of its occurrence in Aedes aurotaeniatus Edwards. Mosquito Systematics, 12(4) : 441-444.
1965 Haddow AJ, Ssenkubuge Y 1965 Entomological studies from a high steel tower in Zika Forest, Uganda. Part 1. The biting activity of mosquitoes and Tabanids as shown by twenty-four-hour catches. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 117(7) : 215-243.
1952 Mattingly PF 1952 The distribution of the subgenus Stegomyia in the West African subregion. Transactions of the Ninth International Congress in Entomology, 1 : 543-546.
1985 Reinert JF 1985 A description of Scutomyia, a subgenus resurrected for the Albolineatus Group of the genus Aedes (Diptera : Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 17(2) : 121-131.
1965 WRBU 1965 Preliminary keys to the mosquitoes of Vietnam. Department of Entomology, Headquarters 406Th Medical Laboratory, United States Army Medical Command, Japan Apo San Francisco 96343
1978 Brunhes J 1978 Faune entomologique de l'archipel des Comores. Memoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Nouvelle Série, Série A, Zoologie, 109, Extrait

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