Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1974 | Berlin OGW, Subramanian M 1974 Description of the egg of Culex (Culex) gelidus Theobald with a note on development (Diptera Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 6(4): 263-65 | |
1972 | Kreutzer R.D., Kitzmiller J.B., Ferreira E. 1972 Inversion polymorphism in the salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles darlingi Root. Mosquito News 32:555-565. | |
1909 | Ludlow CS 1909 Mosquito observations. The Canadian Entomologist, 41:233-235. | |
1953 | Dobrotworsky NV, Drummond FH 1953 The Culex pipiens group in South-Eastern Australia. II. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 78:131-146. | |
1920 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1920 A collection of mosquitoes from the Philippine Islands (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 8:175-186. | |
1954 | Smith-White, S. and A. R. Woodhill. 1954 The nature and significance of non reciprocal fertility in Aedes scutellaris and other mosquitoes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 79:163-176. | |
1973 | Shevchenko, A. K. and N. S. Prudkina. 1973 On morphology of genitals in mosquito males from the Aedes genus. Vestnik Zoologii No. 6, pp. 40-47, illus. English Translation. | |
1899 | Giles, G.M. 1899 A description of the Culicidae employed by Major R. Ross, I.M.S. in his investigations on malaria. Trop. Med. 2:62-65, illus. | |
1971 | Mattingly, P.F. 1971 Mosquito eggs XV. Genera Heizmannia Ludlow and Haemagogus Williston. Mosq. Syst. Newsl. 3(4):197-201, illus. | |
1952 | Knight K.L., Marks E.N. 1952 An annotated checklist of the mosquitoes of the subgenus Finlaya, genus Aedes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 101:513-574. |
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