Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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Année Référence Bibliographique Actions
1973 Forattini, O.P. 1973 Entomologia Medica. IV. Psychodidae. Leishmanioses. Bartonelose. Edgard Blucher, Sao Paulo. 658 p.
1916 Brethes, J. 1916 Algunas notas sobre mosquitos Argentinos. An. Mus. nac., B. Aires 28:193-218, illus.
1947 De Meillon, B. 1947 New records and species of biting insects from the Ethiopian region. II. J. ent. Soc. S. Afr. 10:110-124, illus.
1971 Iversen, T. M. 1971 Culex torrentium Martini (Dipt. Culicidae) ny for Danmark, med en beskrivelse af larvebiotopen. Ent. Meddr. 39:235-239.
1911 Strickland,E. H. 1911 Some new Culicidae from western Australia, South Queensland, and Tasmania. - New species found in a small collection of mosquitoes from western Australia. Entomologist 44:130-134.
1950 Tsai, C. and J. C. Lien. 1950 A new species of Aedes (Finlaya) found in Taiwan. J. Med. Ass. Formosa 49:177-183, illus.
1944 Froud, M.D. 1944 Anopheles jebudensis sp. nov., a new anopheline mosquito from southern Nigeria. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. 38:73-77, illus.
1949 Chow, C.Y. 1949 The identification and distribution of Chinese anopheline mosquitoes. J. nat. Malar. Soc. 8:121-131.
1955 Senevet, G. and L. Andarelli. 1955 Races et varietes de l'Anopheles claviger Meigen, 1804. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 33:128-137.
1937 Causey, O. R. 1937 New anopheline and culicine mosquitoes from Siam. J. Parasit. 23:543-545, illus.

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