Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1909 Theobald, F. V. 1909 Description of the new mosquitoes collected by Dr. Graham in Ashanti. Colonial Office Report, misc. Ser. 237, 31 pp., illus. (Printed for the use of the Colonial Office.).
1979 Zavortink T.J. 1979 Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) XXXV. The new sabethine genus Johnbelkinia and a preliminary reclassification of the composite genus Trichoprosopon. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 17(1):1-61.
1974 Sirivanakarn, S. 1974 Redescription of Culex (Culex) bihamatus Edwards with a discussion of its affinity (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.6(4):259-262, illus.
1947 Ohama, S. 1947 Epidemiological study of malaria in Yaeyama. No. 2 report. On an anopheline mosquito, Anopheles ohami (Ishigaki Island) 1947,which is newly found in Ishigaki Island. Rec. Publ. Hlth Dept Yaeyama Prov. Gov., No. 4, 15 pp., 2 pls.
1962 Cova Garcia, P. 1962 Hallazgo del insecto Culex (Culex) tejerai sp. n. en la cumbre del choroni, Estado Aragua. Revta Venez. Sanid. Asis Soc. 27:312-316.
1967 Bram, R. A. 1967 Lectotype assignments for several species of the genus Culex in Southeast Asia. Proc.Ent. Soc. Wash. 69(4):327-328.
1981 Steffan W.A., White G.B. 1981 The type specimens of Toxorhynchites (Diptera: Culicidae) at the British Museum (Natural History) and Oxford University. Mosquito Systematics 13(1):114-123.
2000 Gornostayeva, R.M. 2000 Checklist of Mosquitoes (Culicidae) From the Asian Part of Russia. Parazitologiia 34(5): 477-485.
1954 Weyer, F. 1954 Bestimmungsschluessel fuer die Anopheles-weibchen und -larven in Europa, Nordafrika und Westasien. 2nd suppl. ed. Merkbl. Nocht. Inst. Schiffs-u. Tropenkrankh. 12:3-38.
1924 Nunez-Tovar, M. 1924 Mosquitos y flebotomos de Venezuela. Lil. y Tip. del Comercio. Caracas. 46 p.

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