Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1905 Neveu-Lemaire,M. 1905 Sur un nouveau moustique appartenant a la sous-famille des Anophelinae (Nyssorhynchus) bozasi nov. sp.). C. R. Soc. Biol., 59:32-33.
1903 Theobald, F. V. 1903 A new culicid from Senegal and notes on the species of mosquitoes, etc. Mem. Lpool Sch. Trop. Med. 11, Part 2, (App.):i-iii, pl. 5.
1956 Adam J.P., Mattingly P.F. 1956 Note sur la morphologie et la biologie d'Anopheles smithi var rageaui Mattingly et Adam 1954. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique. 49(4): 734-747
1967 Bram RA. 1967 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia (Diptera Culicidae) II. The genus Culex in Thailand. Contr. Am. ent. Inst. 2(1):1-296, illus.
1905 Dyar HG, 1905 A new mosquito. J. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 13:74.
1825 Leach, W. E. 1825 Description of thirteen species of Formica and three species of Culex, found in the environs of Nice. lool. Jour., Lond.2:289-293.
1923 Dyar H.G. 1923 The mosquitoes of the Yellowstone National Park (Diptera, Culicidae). Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 11:36-46.
1971 Knight, J. W. and J. S. Haeger. 1971 Key to adults of the Culex subgenera Melanoconion and Mochlostyrax of eastern North America. med. Ent. 18:551-555.
1954 Van Der Kuyp E 1954 Mosquitoes of the Netherlands Antilles and their hygienic importance. Studies on the Fauna Curacao Caribbean Island 5:37-114, illus.
1968 Huang, Y.-M. 1968 A new subgenus of Aedes (Diptera, Culicidae) with illustrated key to the subgenera of the Papuan subregion (Diptera, Culicidae) J. med. Ent. 5:169-188

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