Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1947 | Van Someren E.C.C. 1947 The description of a new Anopheles of the Myzohynchus series from Madagascar with notes on its systematic position in relation to the Ethiopian species of this group. The East African Medical Journal. 24:42-46, illus. | |
1947 | Corradetti, A. and I. Archetti. 1947 Gli anofelini raccolti dalla Missione Biologica Sagan-Omo. R. C. 1st suppl. Sanit. 10:676-679. | |
1947 | De Meillon, B. 1947 New records and species of biting insects from the Ethiopian region. II. J. ent. Soc. S. Afr. 10:110-124, illus. | |
1947 | Marks EN 1947 Studies of Queensland mosquitoes. Part I.- The Aedes (Finlaya) kochi group with descriptions of new species from Queensland, Bougainville and Fiji. Pap. Dep.Biol. Univ. Qd 2(5):1-66, | |
1947 | Ohama, S. 1947 Epidemiological study of malaria in Yaeyama. No. 2 report. On an anopheline mosquito, Anopheles ohami (Ishigaki Island) 1947,which is newly found in Ishigaki Island. Rec. Publ. Hlth Dept Yaeyama Prov. Gov., No. 4, 15 pp., 2 pls. | |
1947 | Trembley, H. L. 1947 Biological characteristics of laboratory-reared Aedes atropalpus. J. Econ. Ent. 40:244-250, illus. | |
1947 | Buren, W. F. 1947 A new Aedes from the Florida Keys (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 49:228-229. | |
1947 | Wharton, R. H. 1947 Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Part VII. The genus Harpagomyia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 72:58-68. | |
1947 | Baisas FE 1947 Notes on philippine mosquitoes - XI. A new species of Tripteroides. Chicago Natural History Museum. 31(15) p.121-124 | |
1947 | Knight, K.L. 1947 A new species of Aedes (Christophersiomyia) from the Philippines (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 60:73-76. |
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