Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2003 ubio-Palis, Y., R.C. Wilkerson, and H. Guzman. 2003 Morphological characters of adult Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) marajoara in Venezuela. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 19:107-114.
1984 Reinert, J.F. 1984 Medical entomology studies- XVI. A review of the species of the subgenus Verrallina, genus Aedes, from Sri Lanka and a revised description of the subgenus (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 16(1):1-130.
1990 Cunha Ramos H, Ribeiro E 1990 Research on the mosquitoes of Angola XXI - Description of Eretmapodites angolensis sp. nov. and Eretmapodites dundo sp. nov. of the oedipodeios group. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zool., Lisboa. 17(1-2):31-35.
1902 Ludlow, C.S. 1902 Description of a new Anopheles. J. Am. med. Assoc. 39:426-427
1955 Yoshimeki, M. 1955 Morphological studies on the tracheal system of two Culicini larvae, Culex pipiens L. var pallens Coquillett and Aedes vexans nipponii Theobald. Ecol. Rev., Japan 14:81-89.
1977 Chen, Han-pin.(sic) 1977 A new species of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae). Acta ent. Sinica 20(1):95-98, illus.
1947 Baisas FE 1947 Notes on philippine mosquitoes - XI. A new species of Tripteroides. Chicago Natural History Museum. 31(15) p.121-124
1913 Knab. F. 1913 A new bromelicolous Megarhinus (Diptera; Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. menst. 1:35-36.
1975 Belkin, J. N. and Sandra J. Heinemann. 1975 Collection Records of the Project 'Mosquitoes of Middle America' 2. Puerto Rico (PR, PRA, PRX) and Virgin Is. (VI,VIA). Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(3):
1961 Cerqueira, N. L. 1961 Cinco novos sabetinos da Amazonia (Diptera Culicidae). Revta bras Ent. 10:37-52, illus.

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