Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1925 | Kirkpatrick, T. W. 1925 Preliminary notes on the determination of Egyptian mosquitos, with descriptions of three species new to science. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte 8:362-391. | |
1932 | Senevet, G. 1932 Contribution a l'etude des nymphes d'anophelines (3e Memoire). Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 10:204-254. | |
1919 | Ludlow, C.S. 1919 New Siberian Culicidae (Diptera). (1920).Insec. Inscit. menst. 7:151-161. | |
1951 | Breland, O.P. 1951 The biology and the immature stages of the mosquito, Megarhinus septentrionalis Dyar and Knab. Ann. ent. Soc. Am.42:38-47, illus. | |
1905 | Grabham M 1905 Notes on some Jamaican Culicidae. Can. Ent. 37:401-411, 7 figs. | |
2000 | Pecor James-E., J. Jones, M.J. Turell, et al. 2000 Annotated Checklist of the Mosquito species Encountered during Arboviral Studies in Iquitos, Peru (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 16(3): 210-218. | |
1960 | price, R.D. 1960 Identification of first-instar aedine mosquito larvae of Minnesota (Diptera: Culicidae). Can. Ent. 92:544-560, illus. | |
1969 | Barr A R Barr S 1969 The egg of Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillet) and a review of knowledge of the eggs of the Sabethini. Mosq. News29(2): 193-98 | |
1939 | Senevet G., Abonnenc E. 1939 Les moustiques de la Guyane.- V. Les genres Mansonia, Orthopodomyia, Aedomyia, Psorophora, Uranotaenia. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie 17(4):585-597. | |
1967 | Garcia, M. and O.H. Casal. 1967 Toxorhynchites (Lynchiella) cavalierii, nueva especie bromelicola de la Republica Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). Physis. 26:435 441, illus. |
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