Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1985 | Gaffigan T.V., Ward R.A. 1985 Index to the second supplement to "A Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World", with corrections and additions (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 17(1):52-63. | |
1986 | Huang YM 1986 Aedes (Diceromyia) furcifer group, with a description of a new species (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash.88(4):634-649. | |
1986 | Snow KR 1986 A note on the spelling of the name Orthopodomyia pulcripalpis (Rondani 1872). Mosq. Syst. (1985) 17(4):361 -362. | |
1986 | Zavortink TJ 1986 Zinzala, a new subgenus of Wyeomyia with two new species from pitcher-plants in Venezuela (Diptera, Culicidae. Sabethini). Wassman J. Biol.(1985) 43(&-2):46-59. | |
1986 | Harbach RE, Jakob WL, Peyton L 1986 Recognition of Culex bidens Dyar and Culex interfor Dyar (Diptera: Culicadae) as separate species. Mosq. Syst., 18(2):139-144. | |
1986 | Harbach RE 1986 Culex verutus, a new species of the subgenus Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) from Sierra Leone. Mosq, Syst. Vol 18(3,4):216-229. | |
1986 | Chadee, D. D. 1986 Description of the Egg of Culex (Melanoconion) caudelli Dyar and (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosq, Syst. Vol 18(2):196-198. | |
1986 | Evenhuis, N.L. and W.A. Steffan. 1986 Classification of the subgenus Toxorhynchites (Diptera: Culicidae) II. Revision of the Toxorhynchites acaudatus group. J. Med. Entomol. 23:538-574. | |
1986 | Lu Baolin and Gong Zhenda. 1986 Studies on the genus Heizmannia of China with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Acta Entomol. Sin. 29:181-189. | |
1986 | Rattanarithikul, R. and C. A. Green. 1986 Formal recognition of the species of the Anopheles maculates group (Diptera: Culicidae) occurring in Thailand, including the descriptions of two new species and a preliminary key to females. Mosq, Syst. Vol 18(3,4):246-278. |
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