Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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2017 Mentor Sarria VE, Dieguez-Fernadez L, Atienzar De La Paz EM, Vazquez Capote RA, Comendador Hernadez IY 2017 Species of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) registered in Camaguey (Cuba), 2007-2014. Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(1), jan-jun: 69-76
2021 Merabti B, Boumaza M, Ouakid ML, Carvajal M, Harbach RE 2021 An updated checklist of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) present in Algeria, with assessments of doubtful records and problematic species Zootaxa 5027 (4): 515–545
1992 Merdic, E.1992. 1992 Aedes riparius (Dyar & Knab, 1907), a newly recorded species of mosquitoes (Dipty., Culicidae) in Croatia. Biol. Vestn. 40:13-17.
2020 Merdic E, Klobuca A, Zitko T, Sudaric Bogojevic M, Vrucina I,Turic N, Vignjevic G 2020 Updated checklist of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Croatia. Journal of Vector Ecology, 45(1): 135-139.
1987 Metge G, Elalaoui M 1987 Etude de la dynamique des populations d'Aedes echinus (Culicide dendrolimnique) en écophase aquatique, au Maroc. Annls Limnol. 23 (2) : 129-134
1980 Mezenev, N.P. 1980 A possible identity of Aedes leucomelas Meigen, 1804 and A. implicatus Vockeroth, 1954 (Culicidae). (In Russian). Parazitologiya (Leningr.) 14:206-209.
1944 Michener, C. D. 1944 Differentiation of females of certain species of Culex by the cibarial armature. J. N. Y. ent. Soc. 52:263-266, illus.
1944 Middlekauff, W. W. 1944 A new species of Aedes from Florida (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 46:42-44, illus.
1955 Mihalyi, V. F. 1955 Aedes hungaricus n. sp. (Culicidae, Diptera). Ann. hist.-nat. Mus hung. 6:343-345, illus.
1952 Miller, D. and W. J. Phillips. 1952 Identification of New Zealand mosquitoes. Identification of New Zealand mosquitoes. 28 pp., illus,Cawthron Inst., N. Z.

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