Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1975 Trimble, R. M. and S. M. Smith. 1975 A Bibliography of Toxorhynchites rutilus (Coquillett) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(2):115-126.
1975 Cova Garcia, P. and E. Sutil Oramas. 1975 Clave para adultos hembras de anofelinos de Venezuela. Bol. Inform. (Dir. Malario. y san. Amb.) 15(5):201-216, illus.
1975 Reid, J.A. 1975 Pupal differences between species A and B of the Anopheles gambiae group from Kisumu, East Africa. Mosq. Syst. 7(1):1-7, illus.
1975 Da Cunha Ramos, H. and H. Ribeiro. 1975 Research on the mosquitoes of Angola (Diptera: Culicidae). IX - Genera Toxorhynchites Theo., 1901, Malaya Leicester, 1908, Ficalbia Theo, 1903, Coquillettidia Dyar, 1905, Mansonia Blanchard, 1901, Uranotaenia L. Arribalzaga, 1891, Aedeomyia Theo., 19 An.Inst. Hig. e Med. trop. 2(1-4):111-141, illus.
1975 Pajot FX, Fauran P 1975 Wyeomyia (Wyeomyia) pseudorobusta n. sp. (Diptera, Culicidae), nouveau moustique découvert en Guyane française. Cah. ORSTOM Ent. med. Parasitol. 13(3):125-129
1975 Mc Intosh BM 1975 A taxonomic revision of certain Aedes species (Diptera: Culicidae) of the subgenus Aedimorphus in southern Africa. Journal entomology Soc. sth. Africa 38(2):251-281.
1975 Tanaka K, Mizusawa K, Saugstad ES. 1975 A New species of the genus Aedes (Aedes) from Japan, with synonymical notes on Japanese species of the Subgenus Aedes (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 7(1): 41-58.
1975 Tanaka, K., K. Mizusawa & E. S. Saugstad. 1975 Two New Crab Hole Mosquitoes of the Genus Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) from the Ryukyu Islands (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(1):27-40.
1975 Pajot. FX. 1975 Contribution à l’étude écologique d'Aedes (Stegomyia) simpsoni (Theobald, 1905) (Diptera, Culicidae.) Étude des gîtes larvaires en République Centrafricaine. Cahier ORSTOM, sér. Ent. méd. et Parasitol? 13(3): 135-164.
1975 Hogue Charles L 1975 A new species of Bromeliad-Breeding Culex (Culex) from Cocos Island. Mosquito Systematics Vol. 7(4) 1975

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