Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1987 | Lee DJ, Hicks MM, Griffiths M, Debenham ML, Bryan JH, Russell RC, Geary M, Marks EN. 1987 The Culicidae of the Australasian Region. Monograph 1 Volume 4. Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Monogr. Ser. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 315 p. | |
1988 | Lee DJ, Hicks MM, Griffiths M, Debenham ML, Bryan JH, Russell RC, Geary M, Marks EN 1988 The Culicidae of the Australasian Region. Volume 6. Armigeres, Coquillettidia Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Monogr. Ser. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 124 p. | |
1982 | Lee DJ, Hicks MM, Griffiths M, Russel RC, Marks EN 1982 The Culicidae of the Australasian region. Volume 2. Aedeomyia, Aedes (Aedimorphus Finlaya...) Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Mongr. Ser.2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 286 p. | |
1989 | Lee DJ, Hicks MM, Griffiths N, Debenham MML, Marks EN, Bryan JH, Russell RC 1989 The Culicidae of the Australasian region. Volume 11. Tripteroides, Uranotaenia, Wyeomyia, Zeugnomyia Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Mongr. Ser. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 306 p | |
Lee, D.J., M.M. Hicks, M. Griffiths, M.L. Debenham, J.H. Bryan, R.C. Russell, M. Geary and E.N. Marks. 1987 The Culicidae of the Australasian Region. Volume 4. Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Monogr. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra.324 p. | ||
Lee, D.J., M.M. Hicks, M. Griffiths, M.L. Debenham, J.H. Bryan, R.C. Russell, M. Geary and E.N. Marks. 1987 The Culicidae of the Australasian Region. Volume 5. Commonw. Inst. Health Entomol. Monogr. Ser. 2, Austral. Gov. Publ. Serv., Canberra. 315 p. | ||
1944 | Lee DJ, Woodhill AR 1944 Anopheles bancroftii (extract from Anopheline mosquitoes of the australasian region). University of Sidney | |
1944 | Lee DJ, Woodhill AR 1944 The Anopheline mosquitoes of the Australasian Region. University of Sydney, Dpt of Zoology, Monograph n°2 | |
1930 | Leeson HS 1930 A new variety of Anopheles funestus, Giles, from Southern Rhodesia. Bull. ent. Res. 21 125-126. | |
1930 | Leeson HS 1930 Variations in the wing ornamentation of Anopheles funestus, Giles. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 21 : 421-428. |
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