Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1966 Khokhar, R. R. and Z. K. Tariq. 1966 A re-description of Aedes (Diceromyia) periskeletus (Giles, 1902) (Diptera: Culicidae). Pakistan J. Sci. 18:117-123, illus.
1944 Matheson, R. 1944 Handbook of the mosquitoes of North America. Their anatomy and biology; how they can be studied and how identified; how they carry disease and how they can be controlled Handbook of the mosquitoes of North America.Their anatomy and biology; how they can be studied and how identified; how they carry disease and how they can be controlled
1956 Rajagopalan, P.K. 1956 Larva and pupa of Aedes (Stegomyia) w-albus Theobald, 1905 (Diptera-Culicidae). Indian J. Med. Res. 44:481-489, illus.
1965 Rickenbach A, Hamon J 1965 Description d'une nouvelle espèce d'Orthopodomyia (Diptera, Culicidae) capturée au Cameroun : O. nkolbissonensis n. sp. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 58(6):1112-1117.
1930 Shannon, R. C. and N. C. Davis. 1930 Observations on the Anophelini (Culicidae) of Bahia, Brazil. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 23:467-505, illus.
1982 Danilov, V. N. 1982 Mosquito fauna (Diptera, Culicidae) of the Ethiopian zoogeographical region 2. A new species of Mansonia (Coquillettidia) and a key for adults of the genus Mansonia. (In Russian). Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolezn. 60:26-30.
1965 Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1965 The Mosquitoes of Victoria. Melbourne University Press.Pp. 132-237.
1948 Bohart R.M. 1948 The subgenus Neoculex in America north of Mexico (Diptera, Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 41:330-345, 1948(1949), illus.
1969 Duret JP 1969 Culex (Anoedioporpa) damascenoi una nueva especie del Brasil (Diptera- Culicidae). Neotropica 15:143-145.
1948 Fairchild, G.B. & M. Hertig. 1948 Notes on the Phlebotomus of Panama (Diptera. Psychodidae). III. P. cruciatus, trinidadensis and gomni. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 41:247-257.

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